Self-consumption photovoltaic installation in Coia factory

The company Astilleros y Varaderos San Gregorio, S.L.U. , has carried out a self-consumption photovoltaic solar installation on the roof of its facilities in Vigo of 63.76 Kwp and 50 Kw nominal, which it expects to generate 83,300 Kwh of energy free of CO2 emissions annually, thus contributing to a reduction in the environmental footprint of the company and an improvement in the sustainability of its operations.

This work has been partially subsidized through the line of subsidies managed by INEGA and through FEDER funds from which it has obtained 20% non-refundable aid.

Top quality materials have been used in the installation and a useful life of the system is estimated at 25 years.

With this investment, the company expects to generate 5.7% of the annual consumption of the facilities through renewable energy and a reduction in CO2 emissions after 20 years of 559 tons.

Categories: Uncategorized.

Translation Priorities: Opcional.